After my accident I decided to organize my future so that I could help others with their request for help. That’s why I founded Fresh fitness fifteen years ago. At Fresh we stand for fun, where quality comes first. We cater to young, old and recreational or professional athletes! We believe in a total approach to your request for help and that is why we look at all the options at Fresh.

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Markus Torenstra, owner of Fresh Fitness, has been striving for 15 years to optimally help all customers with their request for help. Everyone is different and therefore needs a different plan to achieve their desired result. We are very honest in our advice and are happy to think along with you, because we know what is feasible and what is not. We believe in “motivation true education” and are happy to teach you (through all the “information and misinformation” that can be found on the internet) what does and doesn’t work and why we do things! We aim for a feasible and sustainable result to give you a plan that can last you for a longer period, even if you no longer exercise with us.

Because it is your goal and your result, we are happy to make a personal plan for you. A concrete plan that is feasible and realistic. One thing is certain: result in your preferred area is our priority, you will immediately notice progress and remain motivated to continue.

What are the effects of feeling good about yourself? Not many people know the immense importance yet of feeling good. Stress, nutrition and incorrect training mean that we often do not realise the lengths which our body and mind can go. A few good adjustments with sleep, nutrition and training can ensure that you have a lot more energy and that you will train with confidence in order to be better in life.

We look forward to being able to guide you at Fresh and we are sure, whatever your sporting goal is, that we can help you!

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